Finance & General Purposes Committee (dissolved January 2023)
The Finance & General Purposed Committee is made up of a maximum of 10 Councillors (with the addition of the Parish Council Chairman)
This Committee has delegated powers to decide matters required to be determined by members including:
- Monitoring all the council's financial matters
- Formulating and monitoring policies on financial risk management and internal controls
- Allocation of grants and donations within the allocated budget
- Administration and maintenance of the Millennium Hall and other properties owned by the Council
- To agree matters relating to events within the Village whether organised by the Council or other organisations
- Seeking of grants for Council projects
- Health & Safety
- To deal with consultation which time prevents being presented to Full Council (except those falling under the remit of the Planning Committee)
- To approve virements as necessary
- Any other matter referred to the Finance & General Purposes Committee by the full CouncilThe Committee may consider and make recommendations to the full Council on the following matters:
- Issuing a precept and borrowing of money
- Matters of policy or new issues of importance
- Working Party requests for expenditure beyond the agreed budget allocation
The Committee may appoint working parties (max 7 Members) on a task and finish basis to deal with specific issues/projects as necessary.